Diverse Learning Environments

Two infant rooms: Bumblebee and Turtle
1 month to 18 months; 7 infants per classroom
Schedule: Infants will follow their own feeding and napping schedules from home and begin adapting to the toddler schedule closer to transition.
Examples of Goals:
Learn to communicate in effective ways such as cooing, smiling, and crying when in distress.
Show appropriate head strength, leg strength, and overall body strength.
Be trying to roll and sit (with support) by six months.
Be encouraged to grasp at objects and work towards the pincer grasp.
Be exposed to different people to help them become comfortable with new adults and children.
Three toddler rooms: Kangaroo, Rascal, Teddy Bear
15 months to 3 years; 8-9 toddlers per classroom
Examples of Goals:
Learn to manage their own behavior more effectively so they can use their words rather than their body to help solve problems.
Learn to express their needs in 2-3 words and ask for help when needed.
Learn to maintain balance while walking.
Be able to jump, dance, and run.
Learn to use utensils more effectively.
Be encouraged to perform independent tasks, such as washing their hands/brushing their teeth.
Be encouraged to participate in group activities.

Three preschool /pre-K rooms: Jellyfish, Owl, Stingray
2 years 9 months to 5 years; 14-18 preschoolers/pre-K
per classroom
Examples of Goals:
Consistently stay focused on a task and self-direct within classroom.
Be able to manage and express feelings.
Be able to button, unbutton, snap, and zip.
Be able to write their name and write words.
Distinguish between the different sizes of things.
Do science experiments to find out the answers to who, what, where, when, and why.
Demonstrate geographic knowledge of their local community and world around them.
Take on roles and responsibilities within the classroom.